Lashay Hudson

Hello! I Am Work at Home Maven

Welcome To Dream Home Based Work! If you’re looking for a legit work-at-home job, start here!

Create a flexible work schedule

Our freelancing jobs allow you to work as much or as little as you want, whenever you want.

Choose from hundreds of jobs

Enjoy your Dream Home Based Work! If you're on the lookout for legitimate work-at-home opportunities, you're in the right place. Our goal is to help you connect with hundreds of jobs that align with your interests

Get paid weekly

Receive weekly payouts via PayPal for all work completed. Rev is on-time and dependable.


Range of pay


Per audio/video minute


Range of pay


Per audio/video minute

Start making money in three easy steps

Take a quick quiz to demonstrate your English language and grammar skills.

Submit a transcription or caption sample, which will be reviewed to ensure it meets customer quality expectations.

If you are approved, you'll be able to register and start earning right away.

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